
As a studio we would like to give special thanks to all those who were so incredibly generous with their time during our visits to the Inner Moray Firth and Aberdeen. This information was invaluable to us as a studio to begin to understand and reveal the economic, cultural and social threads that underpin the transition of the of both areas.

2022/2023 Inner Moray Firth

Contributors in Inner Moray Firth
Julian Paren, Julie Gibson, Peter Moffatt, Sheila Currie, Alaine MacDonald, Martin Sherring, Anne Thomas
- Transition Black Isle
Kate Andrews - Carbon Clever, Highland Council 
Scott Delgarno - Development Planning, Highland Council 
Neil Ross - Communities and Net Zero Tourism, HIE
Audrey MacIver / Keith Masson - Energy and Net Zero Transition, HIE
Alison Sharp / Lorna Gregson-MacLeod - HIE Strategy Overview, HIE 

Studio Guests
Jude Barber – Collective Architecture
Eleanor Brough – Sarah Wigglesworth Architects
Yasser Helal – Civic Engineers
Edmund Harrison-Gray - Morris and Company

6th Year Students
Jack Hodges
Wangyang Liu
Scott Mckenzie
Antonia Quashie
Emily Ronayne
Emily Straw
Will Tankard
Ho Chi Dominic Wong
Haonan Zuo

Studio Lead
John Sampson – SSoA

2021/2022 Aberdeen

Contributors in Aberdeen
Claire McArthur – Policy & Strategy Manager, Aberdeen City Council
Angela Scott – Chief Executive, Aberdeen City Council
Sinclair Laing – Policy & Strategy Manager, Aberdeen City Council + Aberdeen Community Energy
David Dunne – Chief Officer of Strategic Place Planning, Aberdeen City Council
Douglas Campbell – Project Officer, Aberdeen City Heritage Trust
Shaun Norman – Environment Planner, Aberdeenshire Council
Russell Borthwick – Chief Exec, Aberdeen and Grampion Chamber of Commerce

Studio Guests
Jude Barber – Collective Architecture
Eleanor Brough – Sarah Wigglesworth Architects
Ellie Radcliffe – Senior Researcher, Centre for Local Economic Strategies

5th Year Students
Greg Cockburn
Dylan Fardon
Ella Murrell
Slavena Simeonova

6th Year Students
Elle Clemens
Irene D’Aurelio D’Arpino
Thomas Franks
Harry Henderson
Qiaochu Yan
Lawrence Loc Wong

Studio Lead
John Sampson – SSoA and URBED